CS2 Metamod Installation
This guide focuses on installing the metamod on Source2 games, specifically for Counter-Strike 2.

Metamod is a mod loader with basic plugin API. It will not provide any functionality on its own.


  1. Download the latest Dev build (2.x) from the releases page for your server operating system
  2. Upload the addons folder to your game/csgo folder
  3. Edit gameinfo.gi in game/csgo folder and add Game csgo/addons/metamod to the SearchPaths section
    game        "Counter-Strike 2"
    title       "Counter-Strike 2"
    title_pw    "E58F8DE68190E7B2BEE88BB1EFBC9AE585A8E79083E694BBE58ABF"
    LayeredOnMod    csgo_imported
            Game_LowViolence    csgo_lv // Perfect World content override
            Game    csgo/addons/metamod
            Game    csgo
            Game    csgo_imported
            Game    csgo_core
            Game    core


Whenever CS2 updates, you need to edit gameinfo.gi again, because when you update the server, the file is automatically overwritten to the default one.

If you need any help, feel free to contact us on our Discord server.