How to install CS2 Plugins
This guide is for installing plugins for the CounterStrikeSharp framework.

CounterStrikeSharp installation guide.

As a simple example to install CS2 plugin for CSS framework, we will use our Reserved Slots plugin. This plugin only uses an autogenerated config file to edit settings.


  1. Download the latest version of the plugin (Reserved Slots)
  2. In the downloaded file there is a folder ReservedSlots, and in this file there are 3 other files (ReservedSlots.pdb, ReservedSlots.dll, ReservedSlots.deps.json)
  3. Since the plugin is called ReservedSlots, upload all these files to /plugins/ReservedSlots/
  4. Restart the server
  5. After restarting the server a configuration file is created in counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/ReservedSlots/ and there you can edit your plugin settings.
  6. After editing the config settings, you need to restart the server
Your plugin folder structure should look like this
└── counterstrikesharp
    └── plugins
        └── ReservedSlots
            ├── ReservedSlots.pdb
            ├── ReservedSlots.dll
            └── ReservedSlots.deps.json
  1. The plugin must always be in the same folder as the plugin name
  2. Some plugins also contain lang or other configuration files. These files must also be uploaded to the same folder in the plugins folder.
If you need any help, feel free to contact us on our Discord server.